Central Registry Exception Process

A few jobs require employees to have a background check on the Central Registry, which is a collection of databases where the Department of Child Safety keeps information about allegations of child abuse or neglect.  Individuals who don't clear this check may be eligible to apply to the Board of Fingerprinting for a central registry exception.  If granted, a central registry exception allows the person to receive background clearance despite the substantiated allegation of abuse or neglect.

To receive a central registry exception, the applicant must provide to the Board's satisfaction that he or she is rehabilitated from the substantiated allegation of abuse or neglect.

One the applicant has submitted the application, the following steps will occur.

  • Investigator review: an investigator will review the application to determine whether it's complete.  If it's complete, the case will be sent to the Board for an expedited review (see below).  If it's not complete, the investigator will send the applicant a letter explaining what we're still missing.
  • Expedited review: the Board will conduct an initial review to determine whether the applicant has demonstrated rehabilitation just with the materials submitted in the application package.  The applicant is not present for this review, and no applications are denied at this point.  If the applicant has demonstrate rehabilitation, the Board will approve the application.  If the Board does not find sufficient evidence of rehabilitation, it will schedule the applicant for an administrative hearing so that the applicant has a chance to offer testimony and evidence to support his or her claim to be rehabilitated.
  • Administrative hearing: if an applicant is referred to a hearing, he or she will receive a formal notice indicating the date and time.  The hearing is before an administrative law judge, who will allow the applicant to present evidence and testimony and will make a recommendation to the Board at some point following the hearing.
  • Board hearing: after the judge files a recommendation, the applicant will receive a formal notice of when the Board will meet to consider the recommendation and make a final decision to grant or deny the application.  The applicant will also receive a copy of the recommendation and have an opportunity to submit a written response and additional evidence.  The applicant doesn't have to attend but is entitled to be present at the Board hearing.  However, the applicant will not be able to speak or present new evidence at that hearing.

At each step of the process, the applicant will receive information and instructions from the Board staff.  However, if an applicant has any questions, he or she can contact us at the information listed on the bottom of this web page.